Wednesday morning we met Marc to help him feed the people who live at the city dump. After navigating through two hours of Tegu traffic and David's human car block, we made it to the dump outside the city limits. Small boys were climbing onto the backs of garbage trucks for free rides along the main and only road to the dump on the mountain.
As we drove into the main area, birds were circling, cattle and dogs were running around and the people were sifting through the trash. They started lining up for food as soon as we stopped and we began passing out tortillas, beans, rice and water. We served a couple hundred people. As I saw the line of people build as they left digging through the trash, I couldn't help but feel humbled and blessed. Blessed to not only have been helping but of all the blessings God has graced me with through my life. The most startling moment was when I saw a pregnant woman holding onto her child's hand while searching through the latest load.
Once we returned to take showers, the water ran out again. This time due to the fact the dogs chewed through the water line. We are grateful for friends with working showers and dogs with humor. We're hoping for everyone to be fresh and clean for the evening's activities. We are taking the Casa kids to dinner and a movie. I think many of us are too excited to see chipmunks sing Single Ladies in Spanish....but can you blame us?