We recently had a church group down from Hackney. Aside from knowing who they were I knew little about them before they came. However, I now know no great honor than not only being able to call these people brothers and sisters in Christ but also friend. They are from a church called Faith Joy Fellowship. Now after getting to know them I can honestly tell you that if the rest of the congregation is anything like the 8 I met their church couldn't have a more rightful name. This group came down with more faith and joy than any group I've ever witnessed before. They came ready to serve not only the people of Honduras but also us. With hearts made of pure gold they held nothing back the entire time they were here. However, aside from the amazing way they poured themselves out onto those around I can't tell you how much they impacted my life. They were a much needed reminder of the reason I went into this ministry in the first place. They came in a moment of need and at a time of struggle for me and spoke to me simply by being the people God created them to be. God saw my hurting/searching heart and sent 8 people to answer its calling. So to these 8 people I say thanks...thanks for letting God use you not only in ways that you expected but in ways that neither of us knew would happen. I look forward to continuing down lifes path with you. I love you all. 

1 comment:
aw, that last pic of the kiddes is adorable. and you getting visitors from HACKNEY!!!! yay, that church is less than a mile from my grandmas' house :) yea totally random but still worth saying :) luv ya
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