So our second "family night" happened to fall on Valentines Day. I was in charge of planning the lesson and activity. So since my church family had send suckers, cookie cutters, and Valentines Cards from our kids back home I decided that we would use those supplies for our night of fun. After our time of singing and what not I handed out the Valentine Cards from the little ones in my church. Even though there were no names written on the cards I stood and called out each of their names and then presented them with a card. The looks on their faces as they heard their name called and the sound of their shouts of joy were enough to bring tears to my eyes. They so enjoyed receiving those simple handmade cards. When the night was over they took their cards and stuck them in a special place. Some placed them under their pillows while others placed them in their box of stuff in their rooms.
After that we took the homemade heart shape cookies and decorated them with all kinds of fun colored icing. Once the kiddos had spread the icing all over not only their cookies but also everything else within reach the focus turned to the lesson of the evening. The lesson was on how different God had made each of us. We are very much like the cookies we had made and decorated. When looked upon from the outside we all looked different and unique. However, on the inside we are all made up of the same stuff and God loves us all the same. I'm not sure the kids quite grasped the whole meaning of the lesson being taught but I found that if nothing else there was a valuable lesson in those words for even me to learn. It doesn't matter how much money we have or what kind of clothes we are having. It doesn't matter if we have a terrible haircut or are carrying around a few extra pounds. No matter what we look like if you were to crack us open (ok not such a pretty picture but stick with me) and look at the core of who we are you will find that each of us was made in the image of God and He loves us all equally.
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