Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Yesterday Honduras celebrated its independence. No one worked... everything was closed... families had picnics together.... people let off fire works. In a lot of ways it felt a lot like our Independence Day in the states would feel. However, Casa was celebrating for a different reason. Yesterday was Brayan's 10th birthday. Heavens how fast they are growing up! He was 8 when he first came here. Seems hard to believe he is 10 already. The kids and I had a picnic in the park for lunch and then spent the evening having cake, playing hide and seek, and watching a movie. It was a wonderful day. So Happy Independence Day for Honduras... and Happy Birthday Brayan.

These are some of the flowers the kids picked me on our way home from the park. I had 2 HUGE handfuls of flowers, weeds, and even a branch in my hand by the time we returned but the kids loved giving me stuff so I loved everything they had to offer. These orange flowers were by far my favorites. 

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