Sunday, March 7, 2010


The team arrived safely! Woohoo for yet another team being here. Almost as soon as they walked off the plane we took them to the Mother Teresa home to play with some kids. The Mother Teresa home houses 60 children. It has limited staff and even more limited funding. Often times there are only 3 or 4 people working at a time so there are days when some kids don't get picked up unless it is to change their diaper or feed them. This home is an amazing facility and the workers there truly love the kids and the work they do there. However, funds just don't allow them to do much more than fulfill each kids physical needs. Therefore, it is great when teams get to go spend even a few hours there playing with the kids and simply loving on them. We were able to take several packs of diapers, baby wipes, and blankets. The home is ALWAYS in need of those things. With so many kids (many of those still wearing pampers) the kids usually are in cloth diapers and in place of wipes they use wet paper towels or pieces of old rags.
Lauren with Ana
This little girl (Lucy Maria) attached herself to Mitch almost as soon as we got there. She wouldn't let him put her down the rest of the time we were there. Every time he tried to set her down she cried!
Daniel ....with a child (I can't remember the name!) Mike seems to always serve as a jungle gym for children.
Alan (Flick) and Angel de Jesus

1 comment:

KoalaKate said...

the little guy that Dan is holding, in the red shirt, I'm pretty sure that's the dude that kept banging his head off the gate the last time we left. The one that cried and followed me around. We couldn't understand his name, it was like "auggie" or something