Sunday, September 19, 2010

25 for 25

So, today is my birthday! I'm now 25. For those of you who know me well you'll know that I don't really like celebrating my birthday and I certainly don't like being a year older! So in honor of this years birthday one of my best friends suggested I create a list of 25 things to do while I'm 25. The list is supposed to help ensure that this year could quite possibly be one of the best years of my life. If nothing else the list is meant to help me see my 25th year as a positive occurrence.

Sooo... Below is a list of things that I want to complete/accomplish/try in my 25th year. Thank you to everyone who made a suggestion for what I should do. I loved ALL of the suggestions. However, do to time, money, or other reasons some of those suggestions just couldn't make the cut.

Some of the items are weird, some of them will be difficult, some will take alot of time, but all of them are things that I have never done, but will do in the coming year. As the year progresses, i'll document each item on the list as I "check" them off with photos and maybe a little writing. At this point, I'm not exactly sure how all of these are going to work out and what the details might be, but working on the list will make 25 a heck of an adventure either way. Here goes, in no particular order..

1. Skydive
2. Spend an entire day from open to close in Starbucks
3. Ice Skate Outside
4. Read 5 of the "classics"
5. Donate Bone Marrow
6. Go to the OSU vs. Michigan game
7. Attempt the Buffalo Wild Wings Challenge
8. Run a Half Marathon
9. Go Skinny Dipping
10. Get a Tattoo
11. Road Trip over 600 miles
12. Zip Line
13. Get Dreads OR donate my hair to Locks for Love
14. Visit NYC in the fall (and go Karaoke-ing with Jessica)
15. Read the entire bible in a year
16. Blog every day for a year
17. Go crabbing in the Chesapeake Bay
18. Watch ALL of the AFI top 100 movies
19. Visit a convent/monastery
20. Try every DQ blizzard
21. Create a Family story book
22. Go on a cruise
23. Send 52 letters
24. Ride a cart-bike at the beach
25. Try a food I've never had before

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